→ FAQs
What is Compassionate Inquiry?
Compassionate Inquiry is a somatic based, psychotherapeutic approach that gently uncovers and releases layers of childhood trauma, constriction and suppressed emotion embedded in the body, that are at the root of physical and mental illness and addiction.
The approach has developed out of Dr Gabor Matė’s life’s work, brought together, structured and organised by Sat Dharam Kaur. Gabor is an internationally acclaimed expert on childhood trauma and addiction.
What is Conscious Parenting?
Conscious Parenting is focused on the parent, not the child. It’s focused on the relationship and connection between both. Conscious Parenting considers the needs of the child, beneath their behaviours. It is focused on connection.
- Attunement
- Awareness
- Non-Hierarchical
- Spacious
- Detached
- Respectful
- No Agenda
- No Expectations
- Wholeness
- Self-Care
- Boundaries
- Deconstructing patterns
- Collaborative Problem Solving
- Empowerment
- Liberation
- Authenticity
- Connection before Correction
- Non-violence
Non-shaming or guilting
- Non-linear
What is a Conscious Parenting Coach?
As a certified Conscious Parenting Coach, my role is to focus on the behaviour and attitude of the parent, versus that of the child. I help parents to connect more and control less. My primary focus is with the parent-child relationship and I aim for authenticity, over and above happiness and harmony. We all have a past and we have all been conditioned since childhood. It is my priority to highlight patterns of behaviour that have been inherited from caregivers or drawn from culture. Ultimately my aim as a coach is to help parents uncover their own true and authentic selves, so as to connect better with their children and loved ones.
What is the difference between therapy and coaching?
Coaching is therapeutic but it is not classed as 'therapy'. Coaching helps to identify self-limiting beliefs and behaviors. It helps individuals take action to improve their lives.
Coaching is not consulting, or training.
A Conscious Parenting Coach does not:
Diagnose a parent or child nor treat them (I can surmise and suggest);
- Medicate or prescribe medications.
Am I really ready for Conscious Parent Coaching?
Are you ready to:
See your child as your teacher?
See yourself as a partner in your child's life?
Release control?
Heal your own emotional wounds?
Embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-reflection?
Release traditional discipline altogether?
Realise this is all about you and nothing to do with the child?
Recognise and own your ego and your projections?
Read Dr Shefali's books: The Conscious Parent, Out of Control, The Awakened Family?
What are your fees?
- One session of 1 to 1 Therapeutic Coaching or Conscious Parenting Coaching with me costs £95 (GBP) and lasts 60 minutes
6 (weekly) sessions of 1 to 1 therapeutic coaching are offered at £456 (GBP) (20% saving) when booked and paid up front
If finances are a concern, and an obstacle to working with me, then please reach out to me directly by email as I always do my best to reserve some reduced rate openings: teri@teripotter.com